Welcome to Airsoft International HQ
Welcome to Ai-Mag – Airsoft International HQ. Ai, as we are known amongst friends, has been established for well over 17 years and is currently the most popular airsoft magazine in existence but we are so much more than just a printed product! The Ai brand has become a family, maybe even a cult over the years with numerous achievements and accomplishments under our belts. Pushing airsoft forward is what we do and we are glad to have you along for the ride!
Inside Airsoft International Magazine you’ll find a wealth of valuable information, from reviews, reports and group tests on guns and tactical equipment. Full, in-depth reviews of the latest releases are included every month along with how-to articles on upgrading, maintaining and getting the best out of your purchases. In addition to this, you’ll find a selection of talking points regarding the most contentious and burning points surrounding our hobby and passions. All of this is supported with a crisp, fresh design ethos and the highest quality professional photographs, Airsoft International is the closest thing to playing airsoft without your eye-pro on!
Our blog is now open to our supporters, simply register on this website to post a blog for us to review before going live. This is a free service that we hope you will love, please take a look at our How to Post a Blog page to see how it’s done. Any questions you may have please contact us via the contact page on this website.
UKAL Introducing…
UK Airsoft Ladies - UKAL's content is back in full motion after some internal changes within the team, and this month, Gemma focuses in on a range of their members who are making waves in the industry. Introducing Cat, Hamine and Bea, all of which are doing some great things inside and outside of the airsoft sphere! If you're interested in finding out more about these three, head over to the website and grab Volume 20 Issue 11! Photos by the brilliant...
All Roads Lead to Military 1st for Helikon Gear!
Looking to get kitted up in the latest Helikon-Tex gear? Then head over to Military 1st!Over the...
Volume 20 Issue 11 is Out Now!
Volume 20 Issue 11 is out now!This month, Airsoft_C4t graces our front cover, taken by the brilliant Krios Photography- yes, we know she's not wearing shooting glasses, but the photograph was just too good for us to not share!For those of you who are already subscribers, you should...
Global Airsoft – South Africa
With AI being an international brand, one thing we wanted to start doing is engaging with airsoft outside of the UK and USA a little more. In Volume 20 Issue 11 of Airsoft International (out this Friday), we welcome Deon to the team, who's going to be covering airsoft in the great South Africa for us! Deon sent us a range of photography for this months' article, and while not all of it will make the magazine, we wanted to share...
Airsoft International Needs You!
AI needs you! Do you have a loadout that is something out of the ordinary? Something you've put a lot of time and effort into researching the kit, sourcing the right stuff and have some cracking photos to show for it? AI's 'Kit Up' Feature might be the perfect place for you to show it off! Over the years, Kit Up has been one of the main features within Airsoft International, and honestly, its one of our favourite features to put together....